
C. Sykora

“Our family loves green tea and all the health benefits that come from it so I was happy to try this new product using a couple of recipes I found online…for green tea muffins and green tea almond russian tea cakes. Those particular recipes turned out to be a little bland and the russian tea cakes were extremely dry but both still tasted quite good (only a hint of green tea was noticeable). I then used it in my banana bread recipe which has much more flavor – and once again, the Matcha Green Tea Powder was barely noticeable and the recipe came out great as usual. If you like the health benefits of green tea – this is a wonderful additive for baking.”

A. Marie

“I have tried other organic green tea matcha’s before. This one compares to other brands I have tried and overall is a great product, but because I have used other products I am going to weigh the pros and cons. In our house we drink a lot of smoothies, especially as a breakfast on-the-go food for teenagers in our home. Most teenagers have trouble waking up in the morning and this extra caffiene kick that comes from green matcha helps awaken them in the early day. We’ve also added green tea matcha to different italian dishes- which sounds extremely unconditional, but gives sauces an earthy note that is really delicious. And, of course, sometimes we just drink plain old tea derived from matcha.”